Candy (Pink) (キャンディー(ピンク), Kyandī (Pinku)?)
Extends the distance that the player's bubbles travel.
Appears after blowing 35 or more bubbles.
Candy (Blue) (キャンディ(ブルー), Kyandī (Burū)?)
Increases the speed of the player's bubbles.
Appears after popping 35 or more bubbles.
Candy (Orange) (キャンディー(オレンジ), Kyandī (Orenji)?)
Increases the firing rate of the player's bubbles.
Appears after jumping 35 or more times.
Shoes (シューズ, Shūzu?)
Increases the player's movement speed.
Appears after the player has walked 384 bytes of distance, approximately 15 times the length of the screen.
Clock (クロック, Kurokku?)
Stops time for a fixed period, leaving all enemies immobile while it is active.
Appears after popping 30 Thunder Bubbles.
Dynamite (ダイナマイト, Dainamaito?)
Creates a large explosion that defeats all enemies in the level.
Appears after popping 30 Fire Bubbles.
Balloon (Yellow) (バルーン(イエロー), Barūn (Ierō)?)
Allows the player to skip three stages.
Appears after popping 30 Water Bubbles.
Balloon (Red) (バルーン(レッド), Barūn (Reddo)?)
Allows the player to skip five stages.
Appears after popping 50 Water Bubbles.
Holy Water (Red) (ホーリーウォーター(レッド), Hōrī Wōtā (Reddo)?)
Fills the stage with Tulips and turns the level into a bonus stage.
Appears after popping 100 Wind Bubbles.
Holy Water (Orange) (ホーリーウォーター(オレンジ), Hōrī Wōtā (Orenji)?)
Fills the stage with Orange Flowers and turns the level into a bonus stage.
Appears after popping 100 Rainbow Bubbles.
Holy Water (Yellow) (ホーリーウォーター(イエロー), Hōrī Wōtā (Ierō)?)
Fills the stage with Crayons and turns the level into a bonus stage.
Appears after popping 150 Rainbow Bubbles.
Holy Water (Green) (ホーリーウォーター(グリーン), Hōrī Wōtā (Gurīn)?)
Fills the stage with Clovers and turns the level into a bonus stage.
Appears after popping 100 Melody Bubbles.
Holy Water (Blue) (ホーリーウォーター(ブルー), Hōrī Wōtā (Burū)?)
Fills the stage with blue Notes and turns the level into a bonus stage.
Appears after popping 150 Melody Bubbles.
Chack'n Heart (チャックンハート, Chakkun Hāto?)
Turns the player gigantic and invincible and freezes all enemies in place, allowing the player to defeat them by touching them.
Appears after collecting 50 items dropped by enemies.
Crystal Ring (クリスタルリング, Kurisutaru Ringu?)
Gives the player 10 points for every step they take.
Appears after collecting three Blue Candies.
Amethyst Ring (アメジストリング, Amejisuto Ringu?)
Gives the player 500 points every time they jump.
Appears after collecting three Orange Candies.
Ruby Ring (ルビーリング, Rubī Ringu?)
Gives the player 100 points for every bubble they blow, and 300 points for every Giant Bubble they blow.
Appears after collecting three Pink Candies.
Cross of Water (クロス・オブ・ウォーター, Kurosu obu Wōtā?)
Floods the level with water, defeating all enemies.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Water Bubbles.
Cross of Thunder (クロス・オブ・サンダー, Kurosu obu Sandā?)
Creates a giant lightning bolt, defeating all enemies in the level.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Thunder Bubbles.
Cross of Fire (クロス・オブ・ファイア, Kurosu obu Faia?)
Bestows the player with the ability to breathe fireballs that defeat enemies on contact. The effect ends after breathing 16 fireballs.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Fire Bubbles.
Cross of Wind (クロス・オブ・ウインド, Kurosu obu Uindo?)
Creates a giant tornado that flies across the level, sucking in and defeating all enemies.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Wind Bubbles.
Cross of Rainbow (クロス・オブ・レインボー, Kurosu obu Reinbō?)
Bestows the player with the ability to breathe rainbows that move in a boomerang-like motion, defeating enemies on contact. The effect ends after breathing 16 rainbows.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Rainbow Bubbles.
Cross of Melody (クロス・オブ・メロディー, Kurosu obu Merodī?)
Bestows the player with the ability to breathe giant treble clefs that fly upwards, that defeating enemies on contact. The effect ends after breathing 16 treble clefs.
Appears after defeating 10 enemies with Melody Bubbles.
Star Tiara (スターティアラ, Sutā Tiara?)
Creates a cascade of shooting stars that defeats all enemies.
Appears after collecting 15 special items.
Moon Tiara (ムーンティアラ, Mūn Tiara?)
Transforms all enemies into Chocolate Cakes.
Appears after collecting 15 food items that appear naturally in rounds.
Book of Death (ブック・オブ・デス, Bukku obu Desu?)
Creates an earthquake that defeats all enemies.
Appears after collecting 15 Super Big food items.
Lamp (Red) (ランプ(レッド), Ranpu (Reddo)?)
Gives the player the abilities of all three rings and all three candies at once for a single stage.
Appears after collecting five Magic Canes.
Lamp (Blue) (ランプ(ブルー), Ranpu (Burū)?)
Gives the player the abilities of all three rings at once for a single stage.
Appears after collecting 30 food items that appear from bubbles at the end of a round.
Fire Necklace (炎のネックレス, Honō no Nekkuresu?)
Creates ten random Extend Bubbles in the next stage.
Appears after beginning a total of 20 games.
Magic Necklace (魔法のネックレス, Mahō no Nekkuresu?)
Creates a bouncing ball of energy that defeats enemies it makes contact with.
Appears after beginning a total of 15 levels.
Magic Cane (White) (魔法の杖(ホワイト), Mahō no Tsue (Howaito)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Shortcakes after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Super Big Shortcake to appear.
Appears after collecting four red letter E Extend Bubbles.
Magic Cane (Brown) (魔法の杖(茶), Mahō no Tsue (Cha)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Chocolate Cakes after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Super Big Chocolate Cake to appear.
Appears after collecting four letter X Extend Bubbles.
Magic Cane (Orange) (魔法の杖(オレンジ), Mahō no Tsue (Orenji)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Tangerines after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Super Big Tangerine to appear.
Appears after collecting four letter T Extend Bubbles.
Magic Cane (Red) (魔法の杖(レッド), Mahō no Tsue (Reddo)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Watermelons after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Watermelon to appear.
Appears after collecting four green letter E Extend Bubbles.
Magic Cane (Blue) (魔法の杖(水), Mahō no Tsue (Mizu)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Soda Pop Ice after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Super Big Soda Pop Ice to appear.
Appears after collecting four letter N Extend Bubbles.
Magic Cane (Purple) (魔法の杖(紫), Mahō no Tsue (Murasaki)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Grapes after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a bunch of Super Big Grapes to appear.
Appears after collecting four letter D Extend Bubbles.
Rod (White) (ロッド(ホワイト), Roddo (Howaito)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into Green Peppers.
Appears after Player 1 uses a continue five times.
Rod (Brown) (ロッド(茶), Roddo (Cha)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into Eggplants.
Appears after Player 2 uses a continue five times.
Rod (Orange) (ロッド(オレンジ), Roddo (Orenji)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into Carrots.
Appears after Player 1 uses a continue 10 times.
Rod (Red) (ロッド(レッド), Roddo (Reddo)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into Onions.
Appears after Player 2 uses a continue 10 times.
Rod (Blue) (ロッド(水色), Roddo (Mizuiro)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into Red Turnips.
Appears after Player 1 uses a continue 15 times.
Rod (Purple) (ロッド(パープル), Roddo (Pāpuru)?)
Transforms all bubbles on-screen into White Turnips.
Appears after Player 2 uses a continue 15 times.
Treasure Box (Red) (トレジャーボックス(レッド), Torejā Bokkusu (Reddo)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Red Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Red Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Fire.
Treasure Box (Orange) (トレジャーボックス(オレンジ), Torejā Bokkusu (Orenji)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Orange Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Orange Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Melody.
Treasure Box (Yellow) (トレジャーボックス(イエロー), Torejā Bokkusu (Ierō)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Yellow Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Yellow Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Thunder.
Treasure Box (Green) (トレジャーボックス(グリーン), Torejā Bokkusu (Gurīn)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Green Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Green Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Rainbow.
Treasure Box (Blue) (トレジャーボックス(ブルー), Torejā Bokkusu (Burū)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Blue Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Blue Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Water.
Treasure Box (Indigo) (トレジャーボックス(インディゴ), Torejā Bokkusu (Indigo)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Indigo Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Indigo Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three Crosses of Wind.
Treasure Box (Purple) (トレジャーボックス(パープル), Torejā Bokkusu (Pāpuru)?)
Causes any remaining bubbles to turn into Purple Diamonds after all the enemies in the level are defeated, as well as causing a Big Purple Diamond to appear.
Appears after collecting three pieces of Dynamite.
Bell (鈴, Suzu?)
Creates a chime at the beginning of stages where special items that eliminate all enemies are set to appear.
Appears after "Hurry Up!" has appeared 15 times.
Crystal Ball (水晶玉, Suishō-dama?)
Causes items to appear faster than usual.
Appears after collecting 15 Crowns.
Gold Skull (金のシャレコウベ, Kin no Sharekōbe?)
Causes a comet to fly across the screen, putting all enemies in an angry state and causing "Hurry Up!" to appear.
Appears after Skel-Monsta has appeared 20 times.
Silver Skull (銀のシャレコウベ, Gin no Sharekōbe?)
Causes a Skel-Monsta to appear.
Appears after falling through the bottom of the screen and out the top 50 times.
Bubble Egg (バブルエッグ, Baburu Eggu?)
Gives the player an extra life.
Appears after the player has begun a total of 333 rounds.
Red Potion (レッドポーション, Reddo Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 10 after defeating Koornt if the player has either collected the Red Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Orange Potion (オレンジポーション, Orenji Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 20 after defeating Kligan if the player has either collected the Orange Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Yellow Potion (イエローポーション, Ierō Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 30 after defeating Gacchan if the player has either collected the Yellow Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Green Potion (グリーンポーション, Gurīn Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 40 after defeating Waffulfl if the player has either collected the Green Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Blue Potion (ブルーポーション, Burū Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 50 after defeating Maita P if the player has either collected the Blue Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Indigo Potion (インディゴポーション, Indigo Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Rainbow Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 60 after defeating Taru P if the player has either collected the Indigo Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Purple Potion (パープルポーション, Pāpuru Pōshon?)
If collected alongside the other six potions, it will allow the player to unlock the Gold Door on Round 70, and create the Purple Potion on Round 80 of Super Mode.
Appears from the Big Box on Round 70 after defeating Swimmer Queen Monsta if the player has either collected the Purple Potion Panel or not used a single continue.
Rainbow Potion (レインボーポーション, Reinbō Pōshon?)
Informs the player of how to access the game's Super Mode.
Appears after being formed from the seven potions on Round 80 of Super Mode after defeating the Super Mecha Skel-Monsta.
Silver Door (銀の扉, Gin no Tobira?)
Allows the player to enter a Secret Room.
Appears on Round 7, Round 37, and Round 67 if the player reaches them without losing a single life, or if the player uses a code to enter "Original Mode".
Gold Door (金の扉, Kin no Tobira?)
Allows the player to reach Round 71.
Appears on Round 70 after defeating the Swimmer Queen Monsta if the player has collected all seven pieces of the Rainbow Potion.
Drug of Thunder (ドラッグ・オブ・サンダー, Doraggu obu Sandā?)
Allows the player to blow Thunder Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 10, Round 70, and Round 80 in Normal Mode, and Round 20 in Super Mode.
Drug of Fire (ドラッグ・オブ・ファイヤー, Doraggu obu Faiyā?)
Allows the player to blow Fire Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 50 in Normal Mode, and Round 60 in Super Mode.
Drug of Water (ドラッグ・オブ・ウォーター, Doraggu obu Wōtā?)
Allows the player to blow Water Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 60 in Normal Mode, and Round 30 in Super Mode.
Drug of Rainbow (ドラッグ・オブ・レインボー, Doraggu obu Reinbō?)
Allows the player to blow Rainbow Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 40 in Normal Mode, and Round 50 and Round 70 in Super Mode.
Drug of Wind (ドラッグ・オブ・ウインド, Doraggu obu Uindo?)
Allows the player to blow Wind Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 20 in Normal Mode, and Round 40 in Super Mode.
Drug of Melody (ドラッグ・オブ・メロディ, Doraggu obu Merodi?)
Allows the player to blow Melody Bubbles instead of regular bubbles.
Appears on Round 30 in Normal Mode, and Round 10 and Round 80 in Super Mode.
Big Box (ビッグボックス, Biggu Bokkusu?)
Releases a large amount of food items, along with either a piece of the Rainbow Potion or a Super Big Diamond, depending on if a continue was used or if the corresponding Potion Panel was obtained.
Appears after defeating a boss.
Master of Darkness' Letter (暗黒大魔王の手紙, Ankokudaimaō no Tegami?)
Informs the player of how to access the game's Super Mode.
Appears on Round 80 of Normal Mode after defeating the Super Dark Great Dragon.
Special Bubble (スペシャルバブル, Supesharu Babaru?)
Bestows the player with the ability to breathe fireballs that defeat enemies on contact. The effect lasts for five rounds.
Randomly appears alongside other bubbles, with a chance of 1/4096 to spawn.
Potion Panel (Red) (ポーションパネル(レッド), Pōshon Paneru (Red)?)
Causes the Red Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Koornt, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 5.
Potion Panel (Orange) (ポーションパネル(オレンジ), Pōshon Paneru (Orenji)?)
Causes the Orange Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Kligan, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 15.
Potion Panel (Yellow) (ポーションパネル(イエロー), Pōshon Paneru (Ierō)?)
Causes the Yellow Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Gacchan, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 25.
Potion Panel (Green) (ポーションパネル(グリーン), Pōshon Paneru (Gurīn)?)
Causes the Green Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Waffulfl, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 35.
Potion Panel (Blue) (ポーションパネル(ブルー), Pōshon Paneru (Burū)?)
Causes the Blue Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Maita P, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 45.
Potion Panel (Indigo) (ポーションパネル(インディゴ), Pōshon Paneru (Indigo)?)
Causes the Indigo Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Taru P, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 55.
Potion Panel (Purple) (ポーションパネルパープル, Pōshon Paneru (Pāpuru)?)
Causes the Purple Potion to appear from the Big Box after defeating Swimmer Queen Monsta, regardless of whether or not the player has used a continue.
Appears hidden in Round 65.